Music to replace sedatives for treating pre-op anxiety?
The biggest issue with preoperative anxiety is its ability to affect recovery, including wound healing.
Typically, people receive benzodiazepines — drugs that act as sedatives — to lower anxiety levels before receiving anesthesia.
But benzodiazepines can cause a number of side effects that may impact breathing, blood flow, and even mood. It is also necessary for a trained professional to monitor the person’s response.
So, anything that simplifies the situation would be welcome. According to a new clinical trial published in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, that thing may be music.
The power of music in relation to anxiety has been the subject of previous studies. A review of 26 trials, published in 2013, concluded that music may have a “beneficial effect” on preoperative anxiety.
But no study had compared music to benzodiazepines, until now.
Read article here.