~Celebrating Nurses~
Thank you, Gracias, Merci Beaucoup, Grazie,Arigato, Danke sehr, 감사합니다, Takk , Mahalo, Toda, Efharisto!!!!
Today, the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, marks the end of Nurses Week, it is also International Nurses Day. It seems appropriate that it falls on the same day as the founder of modern nursing’s birthday. Nurses around the world are on the front-lines of the battle against Coronavirus.
They are the ones that are providing comfort to the millions of people, that are by themselves, in hospitals away from their families and loved ones.
They serve as the coaches and cheerleaders, helping them get better, the ones helping them communicate with their loved ones and sometimes they are the only ones there to hold the hands of the ones that perish. All along providing the medical care, compassion and support needed to help them get better.
Nurses; it seems like a small word to identify such an amazing group of individuals with extraordinary qualities, selflessness, compassion and dedication to helping people.
How do we show appreciation to these amazing individuals, that put aside so much to take care of the rest of us?
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Does not seem enough.
Let us remember everyday not just today to thank nurses and be kind!
“Wise and humane management of the patient is the best safeguard against infection.”
“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.”
Florence Nightingale
From all of us at Executive Search Associates CHEERS to you and thank you!