Quarantine week what?
We find ourselves in the new “normal”, work-from-home environments, as many of our children are doing their classwork in the virtual world. As we adapt to this new normal, some of us need help to make sense of the challenges and sacrifices made by all.
In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is easy to get caught up in the overwhelming and devastating news of the number of cases, deaths, the plummeting economy and feeling out of control and anxious about the present and the future. It doesn’t help that we can’t escape our reality to clear our heads and meet friends for a drink after a stressful day at the office, or a date night with your partner for some adult conversation, away from the children. Love them but sometimes we need time AWAY!
In the middle of it all, I can’t help but notice some of the amazing things going on around us and that because we are ALL doing our part, staying home, practicing social distancing, despite everything, many positive things are happening. Not only it appears that the curve is showing signs of flattening, making all our health professionals’ ability to properly care for the ill but also keeping others from becoming ill. We owe ourselves a pat on the back for doing our part!!!
When we talk about how to manage all the stress, and practicing some self-care, I find it is very helpful to take time to be grateful every day for something big or small and to recognize that in the middle of chaos and fear we see people coming together and making a difference in someone’s life.
Here is some GOOD NEWS to share:
“Air pollution levels as observed by satellite are showing drastic improvements in many areas that have been undergoing restrictive quarantines due to COVID-19,” Peter DeCarlo, an Associate Professor of Environmental Health Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, told Newsweek.
“In these days of quarantine, the inner canals of Venice—the ‘rii‘—are more transparent, clearer, than usual,” researchers Roberto Zonta and Davide Tagliapietra from the Italian National Research Council, Institute of Marine Sciences, and Annamaria Volpi Ghirardini from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice told Newsweek. “Usually you cannot see the bottom of the rii even though they are very shallow, and you can see fishes just when they are close to the surface.”
I am sure a lot of you saw the Facebook posts on dolphins swimming in the Venice Canals.
To more local news. Our firm is located in Colorado Springs and this piece of news made me smile for days!
USOPC makes large donation to Care and Share Food Bank
From the Coronavirus in Colorado | Full Coverage April 2020 series David Ramsey [email protected]
The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee has donated 3,100 cases of non-perishable food to Care and Share Food Bank. The food was scheduled to be sent to Tokyo for American athletes during the 2020 Olympics. The Games were rescheduled to 2021 after the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. The donation, with an estimated value of $105,000, arrived at Care and Share’s facility late Friday morning.
I challenge you to look around and find people, things, moments you are grateful for even if those include your teenager being forced to spend time with you and despite it all having fun, although it will be denied later… We are all experiencing and adapting to it together.
At Executive Search Associates we are grateful for the opportunities we have been given to work with you and look forward to continuing to “partner” with you in the future.
We are available by phone, text and e-mail. A quick reminder that we have virtual interview/video rooms available for those of you who need to move forward with the hiring process or other needs. We can host up to six panelists per conference and the service works flawlessly most of the time.
We are continuing to work from home and committed to working hard and meeting our customers’ needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Passover and Easter Weekend,
Eric, Maria, Heather, and everyone at Executive Search Associates